Classic Green Smoothie

Why It's Microbiome-Friendly

Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre, this green smoothie is our breakfast go-to! If you want a quick meal that gives you a powerful nutrient punch, this one’s for you. As with all smoothies, make sure to still “chew” them to prevent bloating. Chugging down smoothies doesn’t activate your digestion as effectively.


1 small head romaine lettuce
210 g spinach
3-4 celery stalks, chopped
1 medium apple, cored & roughly chopped
1 medium pear, cored & roughly chopped
1 medium banana, peeled & preferably frozen
½ fresh lemon


Fill the blender with 450 ml water. Add in the spinach and romaine and blend till smooth.

Next, put in the celery, apple, and pear and blend again until smooth.

Squeeze in the juice of the lemon, keeping the pips out.

Finally, blend in the banana.

Pour and enjoy fresh!


This recipe freezes and keeps well. Store in the fridge sealed and use within 3 days.


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