Scientists Uncover New Links Between Crohn’s Disease & Candida
Candida appears to influence gut inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients, according to new research.
The GUTXY team shares the latest microbiome research and gut health insights.
Candida appears to influence gut inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients, according to new research.
As part of a biohacking programme investigating weight loss, celebrity chef Gorm Wisweh got his gut microbiome tested.
We delve into some important yeast and parasites you should look out for when you get your gut test.
Your gut transit time is a key indicator of how well your microbiome is doing. Beyond microbiome testing, there’s a free way to run your own gut test at home.
Our guts are much less diverse than they used to be 2000 years ago. Scientists believe that our ancient gut microbiomes may give clues for the chronic conditions of today.
Why do some people develop chronic diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, while others stay healthy? A major clue could be in the gut microbiome.
When we reach for that extra cookie, slice of pizza, or cake, we’re often under an overwhelming spell: cravings. Still, science is showing that our gut microbes play a key part in this process, influencing our brain.
Scientists report finding COVID-19 in stool samples – even with a negative respiratory test result. Now, they suggest stool testing may be a better option for COVID-19 screening.
Applying machine learning to analyse gut bacteria could screen people for cardiovascular disease, scientists say.
Living in harmony doesn’t just involve your external surroundings, but your inner community. Your gut flora can either be in or out of balance – the later of which we call dysbiosis.
Scientists tell us that if your bowel is happy, your brain will be, too. We give an overview of what we know about our gut and mental health.
Fascinating new research indicates that the mortality of Coronavirus is lower in countries where diets are rich in fermented vegetables.